Tower Loft In Givatayim

In the same project in Migdal HaShachar from the previous post… The apartment was purchased as a typical 3 rooms apartment…

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The Tallest Residential Tower In Israel

Our amazing project in Migdal HaShachar, built by Tidhar Construction Company is the tallest residential tower in Israel…

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Apartment Design In Tel Aviv

The project is located on Friedman Street in Tel Aviv, a quiet little street that connects to Yehuda Maccabee street and Park Hayarkon. As part of the urban renewal process…

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From A Studio To An Amazing Project

“Stand in the corner” – Maybe in the past it was an educational punishment, but today it became an amazing exercise in academia…

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Renovation Of An Old Stone Building In Safed

An amazing project in Safed of a house that combines an existing building (built about 200 years ago) with a new construction…

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Integration Of Topography And Landscape In A Private House

A fascinating project of a private house that is currently planned and designed by our office…

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The Concept Of The Inner Courtyard

In our small country, most of the plots are half a dunam, when the client will usually plan a three-story house: basement, entrance floor and first floor…

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An Urban Landscape

A spectacular urban view is located at the 41st floor, the Tel Aviv-Givatayim border…

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Total Renovation Of A Historic Building

In a historic building from the 1930s located in the heart of the citrus groves of the coastal plain, the client decides to renovate the existing house…

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Architecture – A Dream Becomes A Reality

Even with today’s technology… Still when you meet your project that you have not seen for almost a month and your eyes see progress…

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Eternal Design – Winning

It’s nice to remember the project that accompanies us to this day… Every day we learn from what was done in the past…

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A New Project In Moshav Lachish

With the vintage season when the sun is beating… They have two plots and are waiting for Henkin Shavit…

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Renovation Of A 250-Year-Old House In Safed

Again, driving north… The city of Safed in its glory… Travelers see progress, remove the scaffolding…

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Project Under Investigation

Safed, the second project in the making… the stage of investigation, the enthusiasm of the existing, the materials, the stones, the looks, the alleys…

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Ruination – Exposure – Idea

Safed, the Holy City of Galilee always succeeds in enchanting us with its beauty…

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Living Experience

On a rainy day in the middle of April on the 41st floor to experience such height accompanied by rain…

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Open House In Gedera

After almost 24 hours, we tried to digest the excitement…

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The Investigation’s Process – A New Project In Safed

Old – Very Old – New – Exterior – Front – Ceiling – Floor – Rainbow – Stones – Concrete – Light – Darkness…

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Work In The Field

It starts on the ground… Goes to texture… And then reaches the sky…

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Landscape Architecture

There is nothing more beautiful than when the outside begins to talk with the inside…

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An Old House In Safed

This week began with a new project… Old Safed Artists quarter, begin dismantling, demolition…

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Perfect View

For the first time, ascending… In an exuberant elevator, to the 41st floor, in the morning tower of the Tidhar group…

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